domingo, fevereiro 08, 2009

Como Ficar Rico Vendendo Açaí

Segundo um spam que eu recebi, Oprah está recomendando açaí no programa dela, como forma de perder peso (não sei como, ainda). O texto do spam era esse:

Oprah Winfrey in her latest show, the Best Life Series is focused to give tips & ideas towards wieghtLoss. Her all time recommendation on the show is acai diet. Further Oprah herself is using this to reduce her weight. She recently admitted in an interview that she now weighs 40 pounds up from 2006, that is, 200 pounds.

This wonder fruit acai berry, grown in the Amazon Basin that is known to be the land of berries, is rated as the No. 1 Super Food by Dr. Nicholas Perricone & Dr. Mehmet Oz. the two together with fitness guru & Oprah's personal trainer Bob Greene have suggested this diet to Oprah.

They have here explained many benefits of this berry. These are:

It reduces your appetite naturally with out any side affects.
It is rich in vitamin C. This helps in flushing out the wastes from the body and keeping the bowel clean.
It is rich in the anti-oxidants. These remove the toxins that are blocking in your body and this way keep the digestion process in tact.
It attacks the stored fats in the bowel area and removes them from the body.
It also does not allow any further wastage blockage in the system. This way it does not allow the fats, toxins & cholesterol to get stored in again.
It makes you feel active & rejuvenated, full of energy.
It keeps you mentally alert.
It is a great natural anti-ageing agent.
It makes your skin shining and hair stronger.
It also strengthens the immune system.

Oprah is getting slimmer and healthier, now its your turn to get the acai berry FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today.

6 comentários:

Mythus disse...

Pois é... Vou voltar a comer açaí com mais regularidade. :^)

Anônimo disse...


Bruno R disse...

como se pronuncia lá?

tautologico disse...

Boa pergunta... não faço idéia. Acho que tenho que assistir o programa da Oprah pra isso.

::: Luís Venceslau disse...

Acento, cedilha.. Coisinhas antiquadas..

Tykhe disse...

E eu recebi esse mesmo spam essa semana! :)
Meses mais tarde, ele ainda circula!